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Course Descriptions

Neuroscience Program Curriculum

Required Courses:

GS604  Graduate Student Research Opportunities - 0 credits
GS612 Biomedical Sciences Laboratory Rotations – 6 credits  OR
N675 Research Rotations in Neuroscience
GS616 Foundations of Molecular and Cellular Biology – 4 credits
GS637 Responsible Conduct of Scientific Research - 2 credits
GS690 Experimental Design and Analysis - 2 credits

Introduction to the Presentation & Analysis of Scientific Literature: Journal Club -1 credit

N601 Neuroscience - 3 credits
N627 Fundamentals in Grant and Fellowship Applications - 3 credits
N701 Seminar in Neuroscience - 1 credit

Elective Courses:

N605  Welcome to Neuroscience - 1 credit
N610 Topics in Developmental Neurobiology – 2 credits
N616  Topics in Vision I - 3 credits
N617 Methods of Neuroscience Research - 2 credits
N618  Topics in Vision II - 3 credits
N619 Neurobiology of Disease - 2 credits
N620 Advanced Topics in Receptors and Cell Signaling – 1 credit
N621 Neuroanatomy Lab - 2 credits

Systems Neuroscience - 3 credits


Scientific Writing in Neuroscience - 1 credit


Topics in Neuroscience - 1 credit

N653 Topics in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology - 2 credits


GS647-015  Introduction to Computer Systems for Bioinformatics GS647-016  GPCR Research
GS647-017  Neuroinflammation of the Human Brain and Mind GS647-019  Quantitative Assessment of the Postural Control System
GS647-023  Introduction to Machine Learning GS647-027  Coding in R for Neuroscientists