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Program Outcomes

Our program outcomes are based on the Essentials published by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). There are specific Essentials published for each level of program: Bachelor's, Master's, Post Graduate, and Doctorate levels.

Baccalaureate Program

Outcomes Essentials
Uses critical reasoning to make decisions in complex evolving healthcare systems based on the synthesis of knowledge from nursing and liberal arts and sciences   I, III, VII, VIII, IX
Demonstrates competent communication and technology skills to provide evidence based care to diverse populations in a variety of healthcare settings   IV
Advocates for patients and the nursing profession by participating in the development and implementation of health care policies   V
Applies leadership concepts and skills as part of the interprofessional team in the provision of safe, quality health care   II, VI
Apply principles of health promotion and disease prevention to improve the health of communities   VII
Baccalaureate ESSENTIALS

Master's Program  

Outcomes Essentials
Demonstrates the ability to make complex decisions independently from the synthesis of knowledge from nursing, the sciences, and clinical practice at the advanced level   I, III, IV, IX
Demonstrates proficient communication and technology skills in the provision of safe, quality care based on the best evidence   II, III, V
Participates in the development and implementation of policies that shape health care   VI
Participates as a member and leader of interprofessional health care teams in the provision of care to diverse populations   II, VI, VII, VIII
Integrates principles of health promotion and disease prevention strategies to plan, deliver, and evaluate care to the individual, families, and communities   VII
Master's Essentials 

Post Graduate Certificate Program  

Outcomes Essentials
Demonstrates the ability to make complex decisions independently from the synthesis of knowledge from nursing, the sciences, and clinical practice at the advanced level   I, III, IV, IX
Demonstrates proficient communication and technology skills in the provision of safe, quality care based on the best evidence   II, III, V
Participates in the development and implementation of policies that shape health care   VI
Participates as a member and leader of interprofessional health care teams in the provision of care to diverse populations   II, VI, VII, VIII
Integrates principles of health promotion and disease prevention strategies to plan, deliver, and evaluate care to the individual, families, and communities




 Doctor of Nursing Practice Program

Outcomes Essentials
Synthesize critical thinking and reasoning skills, based on scientific underpinnings, to develop initiatives that promote health, reduce risk, and manage individual, aggregate, and population health   I,II,III,V,VI,VII,VIII
Demonstrates expert communication and technology skills to transform health care delivery systems   IV,V,VI
Demonstrates advanced leadership and advocacy related to health policy to improve health care delivery   II,V,VII
Provides leadership in interprofessional collaborations to design, implement, and evaluate individual and system level interventions that improve the health of individuals, aggregates, and populations   II,IV,V,VII
Uses knowledge from nursing and other sciences to generate, appraise, and synthesize best evidence to formulate, design and evaluate interventions and health care delivery systems that result in the most effective clinical outcomes for individuals, aggregates, and populations   I,III,IV,VI,VII,VIII
Synthesizes and demonstrates nursing knowledge and DNP competencies in the role as a specialist   I,II,III,IV,VI,VII,VIII
Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials 



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